Thursday, March 31, 2011


I want to apologize for not being so connected this week I am sorry for any inconvenience and hope you are all still pumped for this Skype project! I had family in town so I was away from campus and a computer for a few days.

Monday, March 28, 2011

You're Gonna Be A Star!

Below is a list of the characters, their number of lines. Laura I am still waiting to hear from Lindsay to see if she wants to participate, if not Laura I am wondering if you would be able to take Ferdinand's lines as well. I am sorry I should have had this ready for class but here it is now! If there are any concerns voice them and we will see what we can do!

Executive Decision Regarding The Class Skyeping To Do A Dramatic Reading Of Shakespeare

First off I would like to apologize to all of you who are interested in participating in the dramatic reading of a Shakespeare play via Skype. I am sorry for slacking this past week. However, I am back in the game and this is still a go!

To Be or Not To Be Was Never The Question: A Thesis Statement For A Research Blog

As I have said before I discussing in this blog my personal belief that Shakespeare was an optimist. I have already outlined my agenda in my post beginning Whats the Plan Stan, but after listening to class discussion I have come to realize that I did not have a thesis. . . .until now. Before I state my thesis I would like to invite critique of it and any advice you might feel could be beneficial or that might make the blog more interesting. So with out further ado . . . my thesis:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Creatively Involved: Skypeing With Shakespeare, Creating New Digital Mediations

Branching away from my usual theme of optimism in Shakespeare I am going to talk about a learning out come for a few minutes. I have yet to complete my creative requirement for this class. So I have established a plan. I would like to arrange a dramatic reading of a scene from one of the plays. Originally I was going to try to get in contact with a bunch of actors, but when I realized that, to the best of my knowledge there is not a handy list of all actors who would apply to my plan online I decided to reconfigure my agenda.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dr. Burton Is Right: We have a Larger Audience Than We Realize

Contrary to the implications this posts titles I have not sincerely disagreed with Professor Burton since my rant post in January. However, it is nice for people to receive recognition so Dr. Burton here it is! I was fiddling around on my dashboard trying to figure out how to set up a post that would not appear until Sunday at ten when I discovered that there is a way to view how many people have looked at your blog. I hope this doesn't scare anyone outside of the class away because I think it is awesome that there is global interaction!

So, since my blog was created on January it has been viewed . . .

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Shakespeare vs. Poe: The Contrasting Character Traits of Two of the Greats with Similar Life Experiences.

Sitting in class I thought an excellent way to demonstrate Shakespeare’s optimism would be to contrast him with another famous author with similar life experiences. The value in this is the different way their lives ended up. Below is a list of bullets with more information that demonstrate this idea better.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shakespeare Findings from Borders

Last night when I was feeling pessimistic, the opposite of the area of focus for this blog discussing Shakespeare, I drove to Borders. There is something about the convention and novelty of bookstores associated with childhood that I find comforting. Upon arriving and not knowing what I wanted to look at I decided to just walk around the whole store and look for something that caught my attention. You see where this is going? Well due to the fact that Shakespeare is playing such a large role in my life this semester his name sticks out to me. Right after the literature section I hit the jackpot! So these are my finding from Borders, there are only a few and I am not sure if you will find them helpful but I can see them being helpful so here they are!

Whats The Plan Stan? Aye, Theres The Hub.

         As I was sifting through my old notes from class, back when ideas were hitting me at a steady pace I discovered my topic for my blog. Since the midterm I have been trying to figure out what I want to blog about, slash what I can blog about based on my interest. I have decided to blog about optimism in Shakespeare’s works to prove the man’s positive perspective on life. This may seem a bit simple and several people have expressed concern and curiosity about this however I feel that I am up to the challenge.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Character Traits of the Late Great Bard: The Optimism of Shakespeare As Demonstrated Through His Works

I have made a decision. The direction this blog is going to take over the last month of the semester to prove that Shakespeare was an optimist. The stem of this comes from myself. Some say that they are hopeless romantics, I am a hopeless optimist. I cannot count the number of time that I said "Life is amazing!" last week.  I am pretty sure my roommates began to wish they could say "I'll give you amazing!" will and up back hand blow.

There are several arguments against this lofty view of Shakespeare but I intend to prove them wrong!

"Hello Boys . . . I'm Back!!!"

In trying to narrow down my topic for my blog I have come up with a few ideas. One of these ideas was to explore time in Shakespeare plays. This is a broad topic so in trying to come up with a more concise approach I have decided to study in this blog post at least to explore Shakespeare’s use of time in his plays. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Technical difficulties

I am not a slacker I promise! So I knew this was going to be a busy week so I saved a few post to on my computer. Then my computer went crazy and I did not save the posts anywhere. So I am waiting to get my computer back so (hopefully tomorrow) and then I will put up more posts! I know excuses are lame but they are good posts and I want to use them and this is a hectic week!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Picture Worth a Thousand Words? . . .Too Easy Here’s the Words! . . . oh! Times Ten.

This relates to our Reading of the sonnets from January. In reading the sonnets I did not realize how much Shakespeare had written. I mean I did not know that some of the famous phrase and poems and words can be attributed to him. I knew that he had created over 10,000 words but the consequence had not and I guess still hasn't sunk in. 

So I decided to research this and come up with a list. I could not find a collective list and I am not going to take the time to compile one at this time in my life! There is a Shakespeare dictionary on campus for those of you who want to have fun looking through his words.  If you type in words Shakespeare invented you can find several sites that will educate you as well.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

movie night . . . again . . .

So Sara's post on the movie Shakespeare Behind bars and the video clip intrigued me. I really want to see the movie no so I found a copy and will be watching it tomorrow at my apartment with popcorn and you all are welcome to come watch! Here is a link to Here is a link to Sara's blog and below is the  information on the location.

When: Wednesday 2, 2011 at 6:00
so there is still time to go watch the game on TV because it is only and hour and a half. 
Where: Carriage Cove Apartment 113 (building four) 
606 W. 1720 N.
Provo, Utah 84604

Hope you can make it!