Friday, March 18, 2011

Dr. Burton Is Right: We have a Larger Audience Than We Realize

Contrary to the implications this posts titles I have not sincerely disagreed with Professor Burton since my rant post in January. However, it is nice for people to receive recognition so Dr. Burton here it is! I was fiddling around on my dashboard trying to figure out how to set up a post that would not appear until Sunday at ten when I discovered that there is a way to view how many people have looked at your blog. I hope this doesn't scare anyone outside of the class away because I think it is awesome that there is global interaction!

So, since my blog was created on January it has been viewed . . .

         In the U.S. : 778 times (Probably mostly my mom!)
         In Russia: 20 times
         In Malaysia: 17 time
         In Denmark: 7 times
         In Israel: 3 times
         In China: 1 time
         In the U.K.: 1 time
         In New Zealand: 1 time

To check what countries are represented in the history of viewers of your blog click the following things:

        1.) New Post
        2.) Then click the stats option on the
        3.) Then the more option to the right of the Audiences header
        4.) Then look around the page and once again to the right of the audience there is an
             option of timing that says Now, Day, Week, Month, All Time. You get the idea!

This discovery inspires a few thought. First of all class do not you want to do better know that you know it is not just us? There are more than 30 people looking at your blog. I found that as I became more comfortable with the class I was defamiliarized and seemed to slack in my efforts on the blog. However, now that I know the English 382 Shakespeare class at Brigham Young University is not the only group of people in my audience I feel myself called to action to perform better!

A note for other viewers if you are still reading after this post! Feel free to comment when ever you want! This is a class working together but it is absolutely open to more than the class!

Where Dr. Burton being correct come into play in all of this is in the advice he has been giving us lately. The need for a focus, and to tailor each post like we have a fresh audience. The need to post frequently definitely applies to American viewers as this is the nation a generation of individuals sculpted to expect instant gratification. So let this post serve as a call to action to the class to realize that there is more of the world involved in our lives even when we do not know it and we need to set a standard for excellence for ourselves because we and all of our audience is worth the effort!