Monday, February 21, 2011

Midterm: Whitney

     So Whitney I figure you are going to read this so I addressed it to you, I feel like things like this are less intimidating that way!        

            1.)    You have 18 posts

            2.)    Quality of Posts: The posts are very well done. You maintain the same voice and theme or trying (and sometimes failing, which is okay) to understand “Bill” and finding humor in the plays even when the bard is not outright calling for it. There are many blogs where you provide research you have done and you have definitely utilized digital mediations in your blog. You also implement social learning by contacting your high school drama teacher, which was really cool and interesting.  You also have a little bit of a tone of “In your face Bard!” throughout your posts that is very refreshing and you come back to enough to keep people interested that thread as well as the others.

             3.)    “A” strength – You are really good at sticking to her theme and consistently making your post interesting within the theme. You have an amazing vocabulary that I am jealous of! You are really good at including media which makes fits because it is entertaining and an attention getter in today’s sight rather than hearing driven educations. I really like that you made the learning out comes work for you, you are doing what you want to do without making the declaration which is great because it is showing and not telling.  I feel like you are definitely fulfilling oyur learning outcome to understand Shakespeare, your explanation of the conversation between Henry and Catherine proves that if nothing else but before that you discussion of the gravediggers does. You are very good at engaging the audience, you kept my attention! Also working on class participation in the flash mob is an awesome endeavor that fits in multiply places on the learning outcomes.

             4.)    Suggested Improvement – I really only had one suggestion. It is that it might be useful if you went into a little more detail with some of the research you do. A couple of times you mention articles but you don’t say much if anything about them and people as a general rule aren’t going to look at them without a little more of a nudge. So I guess give us more of a reason to look into what you are posting because obviously you see its merit but you need to as we learned the definition of the word in 451, provide an apology.